These water bottles contain natural quartz crystals with energetic healing geodes.
Available in four varieties.
Clear Quartz :: is known as the master-healer among the crystals, and is believed to amplify both energy and thought, as well as enhancing other crystals. Clear Quartz can also aid in honing psychic ability, as well as improving concentration and unblocking memory. This crystal is also thought to support the immune system and brings the physical body into balance.
Strawberry Quartz :: is a stone that symbolically references the promotion of both love and true purpose, often used in shamanic traditions to enhance the influence of positive energy in life.
Smoky Quartz :: is a variance of brownish grey quartz shades, earning the geode the meaning of its name. With an appearance that ranges from clear to opaque, smoky quartz symbolizes detoxification and balance.
Green Aventurine :: is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance.